Behaviour Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) - OCD training in Singapore
OCD network is proud to be delivering BTTI in Singapore in collaboration with the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). The training is conducted by local/international faculty who have vast clinical and research experience in the treatment of OCD and have been vetted and approved by IOCDF to deliver this training in Singapore.
The Behaviour Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) is an in-depth three-day intensive training course in exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP), a form of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), for mental health professionals who are treating individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders. OCD network’s aim in conducting this training is to help equip local therapists and mental health professionals in understanding the principles of CBT to treat OCD better in Singapore and southeast Asia.
The BTTI in Singapore is targeted at mental healthcare providers who are involved in caring for clients with OCD and want to get a deeper understanding of the condition and the principles of psychological and medical treatment. The target audience who may benefit includes therapists, counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other allied health professionals.
At the end of the training, participants will be awarded a certificate jointly by the OCD network and IOCDF. The participants will also be eligible for 1 year membership of the OCD network, which will allow them to attend the trainings and monthly group supervision sessions held by the network. The participants list will also be on OCD network website, which demonstrates a level of expertise in treatment of OCD.

BTTI Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to learn how to assess and diagnose obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Participants can design and implement Cognitive Behavioural interventions for OCD, particularly exposure and response prevention (ERP).
Understand the role of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of OCD and knowledge of the agents used in its treatment.
Participants will learn about comorbidities in OCD, and Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum disorders.
Participants will be able to develop a plan to aid individuals with treatment-resistant OCD, including the use of motivational interviewing techniques and other strategies for managing treatment-resistant OCD.
Participants will learn ways to address symptom accommodation in OCD.
Participants will apply knowledge gained in the educational section of the institute during small-group studies of case examples.

How to register
Starting in 2024, the OCD network Singapore is aiming to offer BTTI 3 times a year. The training will be conducted in a small group setting. There may be additional BTTI for organizations/groups that will not be open for registration. Clinicians who have filled out our BTTI Interest List will get the first opportunity to register. Organisations who wish to conduct this training for their staff can contact the OCD network directly.
Registration for the BTTI is on a first-come, first-served basis once invitations are extended. Offers to register will begin being sent out approximately three months before the training begins in the order individuals completed the BTTI Interest List Form.
If a clinician is not able to attend the BTTIs offered, they will continue to be offered a seat for future BTTIs until they are able to attend. Offers will be extended to the next clinicians on the list until all seats have been filled.